Serpent Isle: Original Design
Photographs of the surviving maps from the original design of Ultima 7 Part 2: Serpent Isle.
Photographs of the surviving maps from the original design of Ultima 7 Part 2: Serpent Isle.
A sketch and some design notes for the Emps in Ultima 7.
A short note from the late John Watson expressing quite a lot of joy that something worked.
A short list of usecode eggs from Ultima 7, most of which could be used to damage the party.
A short list of software features to be included in Ultima 7.
Playtester impression reports for Forge of Virtue.
A list of the copy protection questions that Batlin and the mayor of Trinsic can ask the Avatar.
A one-page document detailing the locations the Avatar would visit to progress through an earlier version of Ultima 7’s plot.
A list of indices and flags used in Ultima 7.
Hastily-scribbled notes concerning the means of destroying the Black Gate in Ultima 7.