Ultima 4 – Scanned Articles from 1986

Greetings Friends. Today I have four articles for you from two issues of the Computist Magazine, one from Compute Magazine, and one from Compute Gazette.
Computist: Issue 28 (Feb 1986) – Softkey for Ultima 4 – [wpdm_file id=535]
- Computist: Issue 33 (July 1986) – Mapping for Ultima 4 – [wpdm_file id=532]
- Compute Gazette: Issue 34 (April 1986) – Ultima 4 Review – [wpdm_file id=533]
- Compute: Issue 72 (May 1986) – Ultima 4 Review – [wpdm_file id=534]
These articles are ones that I have had stashed away in my archive for a while now (since the 90s) and I wanted to share them with everyone. Update: Thanks to Odkin for pointing out one error, I have updated the two to Computist and updated those 2 downloads to full scans of the magazines. PDF downloads of them as you can see are available above with individual links. I will put JPG previews here below as well for easy to read versions for those who just want to browse.
In regards to the softkey article – While I do NOT condone software piracy, I do believe that honest users are entitled to backup commercial disks of software they have purchased. The softkey not only allows users the security of a backup disk, but the removal of copy protection gives the user the option to fix errors that occured on floppy disks as well as modifying application programs to meet his or her needs. If many of you remember there were some customers who had errors on floppy disks of Ultima games that having softkeys allowed for easy repair by some of us instead of having to return a disk and get a replacement (which could end up being a bad disk as well, as I experienced myself).